Amira Armageddon

My name is Amira, or ‘Arma’ Armageddon. I am an 18 year old goth comic artist. I primarily use she/her as well as feminine descriptors. I’m mentally ill, something everyone should be aware of before interacting. So… for those who do, the most notable are my BPD and my Autism.

A hypersexual gore hound that enjoys writing and creating dead dove content. I love Voltaire, NIN, She wants revenge, and many many more! Ask me about either goth or electronic music, i’ll talk for hours. Jhonen Vasquez’s worst nightmare. My inner animal is, of course, a black widow spider.

other notable things to be aware of before interacting; low empathy, avoidant tendencies, i am anti-censorship, and anti-harassment, i get distracted quite easily.

Discord @bizzaremageddon